
Google onenote
Google onenote

google onenote

I'm really tired of copying and pasting into word or your standalone program.

google onenote

it'd be nice to work in TextAloud with my research. For this reason, I would like to know if you where any closer to releasing a chrome plugin? What about a MS OneNote plugin? I use TextAloud a lot when I'm working on my master's thesis. it'd be nice to have the same intergration that I have in MS word which make my life so much better.īTW, I used textaloud to proof read this post and it helped there too. Sadly, there is no integration with TextAloud for either of these products. These days, I use a lot of chrome because of how unbelievably fast it is and I use a lot of Microsoft OneNote for organizing my notes. Now a few years have gone by and things have changed since I first started using TextAloud. I'm sure that I would have never done so well in my undergrad without TextAloud reading my paper back to me.

google onenote

It has proved time and time again valuable for helping me proofread my academic papers. I wanted to let you know that you have the most helpful product in the world for students.

Google onenote