
Call of duty: black ops cold war ultimate edition pc
Call of duty: black ops cold war ultimate edition pc

call of duty: black ops cold war ultimate edition pc

If you buy the digital standard edition on Xbox Series X, you can pay for an upgrade later on.

call of duty: black ops cold war ultimate edition pc

If you buy the digital standard edition on PS4, you can pay for a PS5 upgrade later on.If you get the physical standard edition on Xbox Series X, you can play the disc on your Xbox One.If you get the physical standard edition on PS5, you can't play the disc in your PS4.If you get the Xbox One physical standard edition, you can't pay for an Xbox Series X upgrade, though the game can still be played on Xbox Series X through backward compatibility.You can also play the PS4 disc on the PS5 without upgrading.

call of duty: black ops cold war ultimate edition pc

This upgrade will entitle you to a digital version of the PS5 standard edition, but you'll need your PS4 disc to access it.

  • If you get the PS4 physical standard edition, you can pay for a PS5 upgrade later on.

  • Call of duty: black ops cold war ultimate edition pc